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RE: Ecency Points Giveaway #39 (win 150 points)

in Ecencylast year

I can put them on my personal feed so my friends know exactly what's going down.

The bully of the block chain got busted and he is mad because he is stealing intellectual property for his game.

Pokemon has given him permission to use their name and game structures?

Oh yeah. Or the fact he stabbed a hive blockchain game company in the back to get more.investors which ran a lot of people off chain...

Or the fact acidyo the bully just downvote bombed me? Took what a couple dollars to financially bully me...

Because I'm right. Lol oh yeah if I was wrong? Then who cares.

But if I'm right? just showed he is running a great scam. Oh besides the way his reputation on here is of the worst kind of person?

He's just mad that he can't bully me...

But no I'm just sharing on my blog and saving all this information....

But actions like this should deserve a full blacklist.... He just got caught...

And yeah to get me back.... Ohhhhhh downvotes.... How horrible.....
