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RE: How Was Your (HIVE) 2023? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.09 (Wednesday, December 20, 5 PM UTC)

in Ecencylast year

I would love to invite you to come to the free compliments community.

They actually need some help with our meetings and discord room. Really awesome work that you are doing and we could totally use some advice. And help!

I'd also love to be included in your tag list for new shows.

Really appreciate it so on top of that I'm also going to throw you 100% vote! Thank you very much and really appreciate your continued hard work here on the blockchain!


Thank you for the invitation! I heard about the community through the @liotes project, but I'm not sure that I'm a suitable person for it... 🙂 I'm bad at giving (and receiving) compliments... 🙂 Much better at ranting... 😂

Can you share the link to the FreeCompliments Discord?

Please rant at us until we get it right! Lol