Africa! We live in two different worlds

in Ecency4 months ago


An American is born, lives a normal life, graduates and get a job and moves on with his life. His life is not complicated at all. He is free spirited, if he sleeps, he dreams of work place or vacations, if you cheat him in business he gets justice from the courts. Life continues . He works, pays his bills at month end, practically he lives a stress free life.

An African is born, lives a life of struggles from day one. To get a job is a struggle, to feed is a struggle, he sleeps and dream of masquerades pursuing him, if he is cheated he does not go to court, he goes to native doctor to seek justice or harm his brother, his life is so complicated.

The American Christian spends over 90 percent of his prayer time thanking God and reverencing God, his government has already provided healthcare, water, food, electricity and housing, things we pray for in Africa. The African Christian spend so much time in prayer asking God for things the government can provide, and spend less time thanking God. As Africans we are far more religious than Americans, we pray and fast more than Americans, yet we live with so much problems.

Are we really serving the same God? Is the God of the African Christian the same with the American Christian?

Is it possible that God has refused to answer to the sufferings in Africa because he feels we already have what it takes to fix it?

We definitely live in two different worlds. The question is this. Can prayer ever change Africa or we need to embark on change ourselves?

We pray so much, we pray with olive oil, Americans use it for food, we have holy water, holy stones, we are so religious, yet it appears our prayers are barely answered.

Did God intentionally create the African to be disadvantaged or did we created our own problems?

We want a better country and a prosperous continent. How can we ever be liberated? Can prayer be the solution or do we pray amiss.