Economic system

in Ecency4 years ago

#SOCIALISM: You have two cows, and you give one to your neighbor.

#COMMUNISM: You have two cows, the government takes both and gives you milk.

#FASCISM: You have two cows, the government takes both and sells you milk.

#NAZISM: You have two cows, the government takes them and kills you.

#CAPITALISM: You have two cows, you sell one and buy a male. You multiply your cows and there is economic growth. You sell them, you retire and you live on your profits.

#MODERN_CAPITALISM:You have two cows, you sell one and buy a male. You multiply your cows and you buy those of your neighbors. Then your neighbors become your shepherds, you pay them in monkey currencies and they die poor.

#AMERICAN_SOCIETY: You have two cows, you sell one and you have to make the other one to produce milk like 4 cows. By stress of producing beyond her capacity, she dies. You hire a consultant to understand this death.

#FRENCH_SOCIETY: You have two cows, you go on strike because you want a third cow.

#GERMAN_SOCIETY: You have two cows, you modify them so that they live 100 years, eat once a month and take care of themselves.

#CHINESE_SOCIETY: You have two cows, you sell milk to your compatriots and you produce plastic milk to export to the rest of the world. You become rich.

#BLACK_AFRICAN_SOCIETY: You have two cows, you eat them all in one month, and you dream that donors or the international community give you more cows. When that doesn't happen, you go to a church and hope for miracle cows. You fast 40 days and 40 nights without eating or drinking so that the cows will fall from Heaven. At last You die in extreme poverty. #PAKISTANI_SOCIETY : You have two cows, government takes them and sells you also.