
When they mint it, I'll let you know

Hello good day🥰, I have listed the card on market already

I appreciate the attempt... looks like some other lucky dreemer is the new owner as it was already bought

Oops😔 am so sorry about that

No worries! My quest continues... haha

No one bought it. It's still there, I just unlisted it from the market. You can send me the dreem token, then I'll transfer the card to you instead of listing in the market

That works... I think we actual helped them discover an issue on the marketplace

Okay, hehhe.. so, when you are ready, transfer the dreem then I'll send you the card

I have seen the dreem.. I'll send the card, please be online to notify me when it comes

It's still there, I just saw it.. if you dont mind, you can send me the dreem then ill transfer it to you

I just unlisted it from the market. I want to sell it to you because the last one I sold to you is on cool down and I am not happy about that