My dog is dead

in Ecencylast year

That is it. He has been with me since I was a little kid. I have lived jus a few years of my live without him, now I have got to live the rest of my life without him.

The euthanasia wa supposed to have been yesterday because the vet was worried about his weight loss, he was not moving, not eating and not drinking. I asked for obe more day and it was done today.

I will always regret not asking for one more day and another one and another one, but I know it would be bad and he would eventually just die, so I didn’t, I asked for one more day and that was it.

I was in the room when it was done and I saw him twitch because the anesthetic was too strong, made him stol breathing and his heart became arrhythmic. The vet said she would rush to inject the euthanasia but I had to leave after I saw him twitching.

I extremely extremely sad, I had known no life without this dog and now it is all over, I feel a deep sense of loneliness because he will never come home again.


I am so sorry for your loss. We also recently lost a cat, and it was terrible for us, although we had enjoyed her company "only" 3 years.

You can get used to a pet quite a bit in three years. It is very sad to lose a family member.
I've had mostly dogs, but it's a major blow every time.

3 years is way too young, I am very sorry for it, I can’t even imagine how it must have been since it was seemed to have been a different situation. I am very very sorry


That is the hardest thing. I'm so sorry.