When I was a child, Christmas was about waiting for the 24th night, when 'Santa Claus' came to bring presents. As a child I met him several times, growing up these encounters came to an end and I would wake up on the 25th morning running under the Christmas tree to see what he had left for me. As I grew up I realised that the meetings with Santa Claus were obviously organised, probably then someone got bored of dressing up lol
Anyway, I soon realised that Christmas was actually much more than a present under the tree.
Now that I'm 26, for me Christmas is an opportunity to be with family, to meet relatives, friends, to spend happy time with people you love. Giving presents is a way for me to show my love for a person, to show my closeness. Christmas is an occasion of jubilation, of gratitude. There is nothing better than spending it with those you love, especially family. Unfortunately, I have lost 3 out of 4 grandparents and year after year I miss them. Now that I only have one grandmother I spend a lot more time with her because I have really understood the importance of time spent with them, especially at Christmas.