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RE: It's time for week one - tallying the points!!! PLUS...

in Ecencylast year

It's seems like we are starting this way more fun that last week hehe

Wow! The symbol hehe

I need to run to my teem so we can think together lol.

I have a picture in my head tho. This task is surely going to bring out the creative side of us which I am looking forward to seeing as well hahaha
#dreemerforlife #marathon #HHYM


I love seeing the creativity come out too!!! these kinds of tasks make me giggle hehe

I can imagine you giggling already😅🤦😅
Hopefully, we can come up with something creative that makes sense lol
#dreemerforlife 💗

hahaha you know what???

sometimes the things that end up not making any sense at all - make us laugh the hardest LOLOLOL

There is no lie in what you've said 🤣
I can't wait to see the symbol of other teams LOLOL😂

@jessicaossom 10 Dreem tokens are awarded to you for taking part in Dreemport bounty.