Hello Hive just wondered what it's like to experience different
seasons, would I survive the extremely cold moments of the
snow, I would I not. here in Nigeria that's always been the raining
season that has been the most dominant, following suit with the
dry season and the harmattan season. Bella here in the other
continent there is the spring, Autumn, and Winter Season. And I
guess it's four seasons like the autumn and dry seasons that way
have needs for the air conditioners. Luckily for seasons like
Winter, Harmattan, and Raining season does the water heater and
other heating equipment. Imagine that your coffee has turned
to ice and there is no means of a replacement, but thanks to
technology the different seasons has served us well. the dry
and spring season is the best time for all solar power users to
make merry. And for all those using a windmill for productivity.
These seasons are important to everyone, as it helps us figure
out ourselves we know the next season's as to when certain
foods will be available and we'll look forward to those wonderful
times of enjoyment all times to the different weather available
for everyday activities. I like the Bible says there's time for
everything time. And we wish to be safe from all the weather
hazards happening around us. the current flood situations in places
like delta state bayelsa, etc. we hope the weather and seasons
return back to normal. Bye for now