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RE: Building Lego Minecraft

in Ecencylast year

Minecraft is a sensation for children and a couple of years ago I bought Minecraft for iOS for my son but sadly he seldom plays minecraft but still watches lots of YouTube videos of minecraft. Your son is lucky that you are taking interest in his lego and minecraft fun stuff.


Thanks. Yes my son also likes to watch Minecraft videos but also still plays the game and lego at the moment. Im not sure how long the interest will last.

Well I think usually in different sort of ways children simply love minecraft so even if your son stops playing minecraft he will be still connected to it via YouTube to the minimum. Children usually love minecraft in the toddler age and then while growing up to 11 years old they still love it and also start playing roblox which my son is doing right now and his cousins of the same age group also play roblox. Roblox is free to play and has more variety in it that is why the interest but minecraft also very popular both games are trending really.

Ah yes, Roblox. There is also some Roblox song now that he keeps mentioning and really likes.