Joe biden lied (alot)

in Ecency4 years ago (edited)

In 2020 joe biden promised “not take part in the spread of disinformation over social media in his campaign for president, including rejecting the use of deep fake videos, synthetic social media accounts and bot networks to attack opponents.”

This was a bald faced lie. And i have proof

Joe bidens campaign BEGAN by spreading disinformation over twitter

He repeated this claim over 100 times

The fact that he began his campaign spreading disinformation on social media

He also made use of troll farms

And posted a doctored video of president trump

in fact Joe Biden has lied more than any other candidate in history.. and routinely weaponizes social media to spread disinformation and conspiracy theories

But I digress. You're here for a list of Biden lies on social media.. And I'm here to give it to you.

26 years ago today, the Senate passed 10-year bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines—it was an effort I was proud to champion.
These bans saved lives, and Congress should have never let them expire.
As president, I’ll take on the @NRA and we’ll ban them once again.

false: the ban had no measurable impact

This cold-blooded shooting is unconscionable and the perpetrator must be brought to justice.
Violence of any kind is wrong; those who commit it should be caught and punished.
Jill and I are keeping the deputies and their loved ones in our hearts and praying for a full recovery.

false: kyle was not convicted of murder

The science is clear, and deadly signs like the fires out West are unmistakable — climate change poses an existential threat to our way of life.
We must act now to avoid a future defined by tragedies like the one American families are enduring today.

false. The California fires were arson not climate change

And now, as then, we owe it to them to come together as a nation — so that Americans can once again do what we did so bravely nineteen years ago: turn from tragedy to purpose, rebuild our lives, and begin, in time, to heal.

this is misleading as Joe Biden has routinely made divisive comments and refuse to condemn antifa.. and also whiye Supremacy

"Make no mistake: Climate change is already here — and we’re witnessing its devastating effects every single day.
We have to get President Trump out of the White House and treat this crisis like the existential threat that it is. "

"as vice President Joe Biden was sued over failure to combat climate change

How many more people have to suffer because of President Trump's lies?

this is a misleading comment as there is no evidence that anyone has suffered as a result of Trumps lies..

"Donald Trump knew that COVID-19 was dangerous. He knew it was deadly. And he purposely downplayed it.
Now, nearly 200,000 Americans are dead.
It’s unconscionable.

this is misleading as Donald Trump was following the advice of his advisers. at the time doctor found she had admitted to lyin. and no evidence exists to suggest that teump is personally responsible for wvery Covidd

You deserve a president who tells you the truth.

joe biden lies

"If Donald Trump had acted just two weeks earlier, 54,000 lives could have been spared in March and April alone.
Instead, he downplayed the threat and refused to take action — costing lives and sending our economy into a tailspin.
It’s an unjustifiable dereliction of duty."


"President Obama and I rescued the auto industry and helped Michigan's economy come roaring back.
Donald Trump squandered it — and hardworking Michiganders are paying the price every day. "


Biden says he didn't tell people to come

Biden claim that 'we didn't have' COVID-19 vaccine when he took office

Biden Defended The CCP Last Night Labeling The Uyghur Genocide As ‘Just a Chinese Cultural Norm,’ But Biden's Video From 2014 Shows That POTUS Is Just Afraid Of China

Pennsylvania Union Calls Out Joe Biden Lie: We Support Trump, Not You

WATCH: Did Biden Lie in the Debates? Joe Biden’s Social Security, Medicare & Veterans’ Benefits Comments on the Floor of the Senate

Joe Biden Lied About Knowledge Of Son’s Foreign Business --

Biden claim that 'we didn't have' COVID-19 vacclne when he took office

Joe Biden claims white supremacy is the country's biggest terror threa"" (repeated 103 times)

Joe Biden fell asleep claimed that peaceful protesters were "violent insurrectionists"" (repeated 53 times)
