It became a personal challenge just to do it and not for the money but just to prove it can be done with some very simple ideas.Yep it's me @molometer lol I've spent the last year getting my YouTube channel monetized again.
What with the challenges we have all faced with the pandemic it gave me something to focus on.
I carried on posting to and hive etc weekly but video making takes so much time that posting about my photography took a bit of a back seat.
I was still filming and photographing my travels but not posting the photo essays.
The good thing now is that I have a large stock of travel videos and photos that I made during the breaks in lockdowns.
I'm using this account as an experiment to see how it would be for someone to just use these platforms as most people use fakebook! or Instagram socially without actually posting 'content' themselves.
My idea behind this is that most people are not naturally 'content creators' but more usually just consumers of content?
People don't usually think to deeply about what they post to those platforms. Photos of their lunch etc?
If we want to see mass adoption we need to see our platforms from these users experiences and perspective.
PS My granddaughter also watches my guitar tutorial videos too. I'm not sure if they are doing her any good? 😂👍
What do you think? @melinda010100
Jeez I should have made this into a post! Sorry Mel. 😱👍