I feel so lost at the spot i’m currently at in my life. I absolutely love my job and what I do. If you would have told me a year ago I would be working in corrections, I would have laughed in your face. I love my job, however the irresponsibility of some of those around me absolutely baffles me. I change my life around for others seeing as I have the easiest life to change. I don’t have kids or a second job. It’s easy for me to make changes. But lately I have a feeling of “why am I helping everyone else and no one helps me” or “why do I never help myself”. I feel like I’m always the odd man out at work and it hurts me. I want to feel accepted and feel as though whenever I walk into a room it doesn’t go silent because the people in it were speaking poorly of me before i entered. Or feeling like i’m given the cold shoulder whenever i talk...i ask myself if there’s something wrong with me...?
My life outside of work finally feels like there’s balance. I cook almost every night. I clean. I (finally) keep up with the laundry. I’m (finally) going to the gym like i’ve wanted to for the longest time.
But i still feel like something’s missing...
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