in Ecency3 months ago

My name is Nathan nwokeoma from imo state in aboh local government area and am the last child of my beloved family.I had two brothers and four sisters that makes me happy even though sometimes are annoying but as the last child of the family I do respect them.My Dad is the best in the world because he is my mentor and my Hero the only person I run to when am in trouble 😀😂 because he always on my side to defend me,my family mean alot to me
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My primary school was at ST Patrick school located at Ibadan with many pupils because our school was large and well know in the area. I had some few friends in class because am a shy type and I don't mingle with friends.

So after my primary school I took my common entrance examination to go for secondary school level which I passed.I started my secondary school education hoping that I would be the first in class but to my greatest surprise all my classmate are intelligent so I couldn't pass them but it was fun because we gat to compet in class to know who will make it up to the grade.

But I really do my best even though I wasn't that good in class and my best was enough for me,my school days are fun and fun because I met friends who made to stop my habit of shyness so till this time I go dey shy 😀😆.

I wanted to be an engineer but the way country be I wasn't able to finish or further my education so I decided to look for work after school and started working as a sales boy but my salary isn't enough I decided to go look for other means to get some money to help support the earnings am getting from my work. After much saving I venture into fabrics which have been giving me money on daily basis so in a simple term I deals on FABRICS like vintage,light wool,scuba,sun ray and so on

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Am a gymnastics,and I do love gyming for physical fitness as the Bible said and I quotes"physical training is beneficial for a while".But for some time I haven't go to gym because of the operation I had so is stopped gyming for now to recover fully and soon enough I will still go back to what I love doing.

My friend @mayorboo introduce this platform to me but at the beginning I thought that its was not true until I came to there office yesterday to confirm whether its true or not but to my greatest surprise its was true and I became dumbfounded.After the mentorship I decided to join the team of hives to spend and explore.

After we had some pictures fokusnow and other news members that join us that day went out to buy so goodies and to be sincere its my first time of buying something with hives through the help of fokusnow after I was scan and I paid so my own discount was awarded to me immediately through distriator at Gods own super market.
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I really want to use this opportunity to thank HBD for such great opportunity and platform to explore,spend and earn.

Nathan Nwokeoma


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Nice one
Welcome to the group HBD for life