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RE: Planning to whisk you away 🧳🗺

in Ecencylast year

Haha, I think most Nigerians that get the privilege to fly out to any country wouldn't want to return again, haha but it's well...we hope you for a better future for all of us

The passport process is a hassle
Here in Lagos state Nigeria, it takes over 3 months to process but I know it's lesser in some states
Let's see how it goes 🤗


hehehe yes - Pen said the same thing... once he left SA - he said why come back? hahaha but he has traveled to and from twice now - and plans on it again! sometimes we can't change our location IMMEDIATELY but traveling does give us a better understanding of the world around us - and opportunities are born just by exploring! hehehe

well... if you do start the process - let me know what the timing looks like and maybe I'll have to adjust the timeframe a bit for our Nigerian dreemers!!! hehehe

I think the drawing would still happen on the same time, and the winners would be announced... but we could wait a bit longer on purchasing the airline tickets...

let me know if you start the process soon! :)

It's alright Dreemie 🤗🧡