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RE: Hispano Communities (ES/EN show)! .:. Recap of Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.08 (2023-12-13: Live Show recording)

in Ecencylast year

Todavía estoy gestionando la emoción que sentí en el evento. Estoy muy feliz por la asistencia y la participación, fue increíble ver tantos nombres en la lista durante todo el show.
Gracias a los que expusieron sus comunidades y proyectos, a ti por la generosidad de ofrecernos este espacio y en especial a todos los no hispanos que se mantuvieron durante todo el tiempo.
¡¡Sigamos construyendo puentes!!

I'm still managing the emotion I felt at the event. I am very happy for the attendance and participation, it was incredible to see so many names on the list throughout the show.
Thanks to those who exposed their communities and projects, to you for the generosity of offering us this space and especially to all the non-Hispanics who remained throughout the time.
Let's keep building bridges!!



Thank you very much for helping out in this show... As I said in the post, this wouldn't be possible without you!! ❤️
I hope we will repeat this experience, with maybe a different topic, or maybe as a continuation about communities... I know that many others would like to present themselves and their communities!

Oh , yes. We have to do it again. There are more great communities to present!