Patience ain't bad at all

in Ecency4 months ago

Something I Learned

If you don't know the solution to a problem, stay with it for a while and watch as the answer unfolds before you.

Most of the time, we lack patience. We’re always in a hurry, which is why we leave so many things unfinished. Instead of trying to fix a problem, we give up too early, assuming there’s no solution, even though one may be within reach. Often, we just haven't taken the time to look closely and patiently enough to see it.

They say that sometimes the best things appear when we’re not looking.

When you think the answer isn’t there—that’s when you often find it.

I thought of this lesson when I was making a beaded accessory for someone. I was asked to recreate a specific style, and it started giving me trouble. At one point, I got fed up and left it unfinished. After a good night’s sleep, I woke up determined to find a solution. I stayed with that accessory until I finally succeeded. I was happy with myself, and the customer was pleased as well.

Let’s learn to be patient so we can receive all there is to gain. Let’s stay with the problem—the solution is there, waiting to be found.