Down syndrome is first and foremost not a disease, it is simply a condition that has to do with the central nervous system and some part of the brain of which it makes it difficult for persons challenged with the down syndrome condition to carry out some activities. For example in some cases body coordination, speech defect, lack of concentration, and in some cases but not all personality disorder. Most children with the condition can be withdrawn from their mates, learning can be a big challenge and in some cases movement. Showing love to persons with the condition, assisting them wherever possible, not stigmatizing them because of their condition and not putting them aside or treating or locking them up to hide them from public glare can go a long way to help the situation persons living with this conditions have found themselves. Causes of this condition can vary from genetic disorder, medical challenges, exposure to some environmental factors and several other hazards. It will go a very long way if Persons living with these conditions are shown adequate love and special care as their special need would entail.