Research has made it known that over 2billion children across the world are hungry and at the verge of starving. Some will even count themselves fortunate to be chanced to eat crumbs from trash bins all over the place. Others survive on rats, roots, fruits and insects. Needless to say most of these children are a victim of the corruption and wasteful attitude of many of us. Clean water to drink is far fetched. Natural disaster, uncurtailed excess rainfall, draught, insurgency, terrorism are the major factors leading to scarcity of food. The few available good food are out of reach to most people. In these case children are more of the victim as most of them do not have earning power. So life is next to hell for them. They are suffocating because the economy is choking them. And only few care, after all its survival for the fittest. But its a ticking time bomb. They might turn around later and this time not to beg but to take. Many needless wars need not be fought if only we can love and care more especially for the upcoming generation. The social welfare for children in some countries is on the negative. Mother and child programmes don't even exist in some nation. Farmers shed their sweat, soldiers shed their blood. Soldiers will not have needed to shed much blood if farmers are supported to effortlessly feed the world.