The believers who love Muhammad[sa]
Be not an enemy to them
But keep yourself aloof from those
Who would the Prophet condemn.
Live in peace, taking no part
With those who trouble create;
Cause no anxiety nor disturbance
For the rulers of the State.
Consider the age of youth
As a favour great
That in the days to come
You may not say it is too late.
Beauty is good in all cases
But seek it with great care
May be that you think
To be a gain is a snare.
Should you become a statesman,
A general or a physician;
If your heart in Islam is not steeped,
You will not please us with your position.
Keep self-respect for bad it is
To lack dignity of mind;
But also to others be respectful
Sincere and kind.
Whether in prosperity or poverty
In riches or need
Never cease for a moment
In spreading Islam’s seed.
If you conquer the world
You have gained nought
If the wild and terrible self
You have not subdued and taught.
Do not spoil the good done
By reminding of an obligation
Lest the thread of communion be broken
Letting you fall from near the roof to the foundation.
Forget not that delicacy
Is the women’s share
He is no man whose body is as rose-leaf
And cannot hardships bear.
Drop not down at the sight
Of wine like a fly
Look carefully, for at the bottom
Of the cup dregs may lie.
You must know that the honours
From the Blessed One’s school
Are always accompanied
With persecutions from the fool.
Very hard is the task
The goal is far away
O my faithful ones, be not
Indolent; but work without delay.
If step you will upon the path
Of sincerity and loyalty
There will be no difficulty which you cannot
Surpass, even to the royalty.
Let your actions put us not to shame
On judgment day nor trouble for us make
In the task of Faith let not
Your lessons be half-done for your own sake.
Y’all should expect the last part soon#part 2