Urdu poem of (Hazrat) MB Mahmud Ahmad[ra], the head of the Ahmadiyya Moslem Community, addressed to the young students at Qadian, India. Rendered into English verse by Dr MM Sadiq and Madam Rahatullah (Ella May Garber)

in Ecency8 months ago

O! ye tender plants of the Nation,

To you I have something to say;

Providing my Message

May flash not away.


Advice I would give

To the Nation’s youth;

That they may not say,

I withheld the Truth.


When we pass away, the burdens

Of life, you will have to bear

So be not seekers of idle rest

But do and dare.


Serve the Faith with the heart

Filled with God’s sweet grace

And let not a thought of compensation

Cloud your face.


Let your eyes fill with tears

And your heart burn with love

Let your spirit ascend beyond

Islam’s more name, to the realms above—


No bragging in the head,

No thunder of wrath in the eye,

No desire for revenge, no curse on the lips

Which would cause thy brother to sigh.


The well-wishing of Brethren

Always keep in sight

Neither criticize, nor mischief-make

But cling to the right.


Be free from jealousy

And contentment create,

Make not gold your beloved,

Nor silver your charmed mate.


With full attention continue

Offering prayers and keeping fast;

Obeying God’s commandments

Which were written in the past.


If you have wealth be charitable

In giving alms to those who need

Fear not the days of trouble

If the needy you would feed.


You must learn and remember

That a Muslim shines more bright

If he makes a pilgrimage

To the Holy Land of Light.


Let Zikr be your habit

Remembering God in prayer

When the Beloved is kept in mind

It is impossible His name not to declare.


Let not reason be the ruler

O’er Faith which is salvation

Blind is the reason if it be not

Guided by the sun of Revelation.


Cling fondly to all the Truth

Whenever and wherever you find

Follow not the imagination

Calling it knowledge of the mind.

#part one