Delegation usually updates/overwrites the value. So if you did 1000 and then 16, which means last 16 is effective delegation. Remaining 984 will be returned to you in 7 days. That's how chain works, we will see if we can improve messaging in delegation screens to make sure people see before updating delegation.
Thank you for your support! 👍
Yesterday first I delegated 1000 HP and then 16 HP more, but now only 16 HP is delegated to ecency but can't see my 1k HP. Where is that HP gone?
Delegation usually updates/overwrites the value. So if you did 1000 and then 16, which means last 16 is effective delegation. Remaining 984 will be returned to you in 7 days. That's how chain works, we will see if we can improve messaging in delegation screens to make sure people see before updating delegation.
Oops then I have to wait for 7 days. Really long time.