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RE: How Was Your (HIVE) 2023? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.09 (Wednesday, December 20, 5 PM UTC)

in Ecencylast year

Very cool, especially the questions, unfortunately I am in some other spheres at the moment, but I can answer a few questions,

  1. yes I'm still in my comfort zone, I'm doing the same as I've been doing for the last five years on Hive
  2. I've met some new people and it's nice to interact with them
  3. the Hive account has grown, I don't know exactly how much yet but since @liotes is following, you'll tell me, maybe it could grow even more but it's not all about growth
  4. I have no expectations, we'll see what life brings

I wish you a good show


Thank you very much for this "pre-show participation"!
We will see the growth for No.3 when Achim calculates the math and we distribute the rewards! 🙂

Thanks once again!!