Many good questions. Yes, it is difficult for newbies especially if they are not tech-savvy.
I also had problems to point people to good tutorials, so I wrote a "Hive basics" post by myself, maybe some good tips for you still:
What I not so liked is that you list a lot of things that you want from others for you. In my 7 years on Hive I never asked people to delegate to me or send Hive to me. I upvote good content, but you can´t expect from users to e.g. delegate to you without a good reason. Anyone can buy Hive and stake them to increase his/her own skin in the game.
I appreciate the feedback on the list of ways to support me at the end, but I and many others cannot simply buy Hive. (In my situation, state repression took away my ID, so I can't (easily or legally) convert local currency into HIVE.) Be grateful you have the resources and ability to directly invest in Hive, not mad when others don't!
Your guide is a good explanation of some of the technical relationships between different elements of the Hive blockchain, but I'm specifically asking for if there are any tools set up specifically for helping folk who want their curation to have more weight than it otherwise would.