The importance of fashion for people

in Ecency3 years ago (edited)

What we wear is more likely to tell us who we are or who we want to be. But fashion is often seen as a frivolous, futile industry. One of the things that fashion is capable of is to spread a certain idea very powerfully and harmoniously. Clothes are vital for people, because we need warmth and protection. But we are beginning to understand that the role of fashion goes beyond that.
Fashion can change and shape life thanks to the special connection with all of us. Every item of clothing we buy is a personal choice. What we choose reflects how we look at the world and how we want the world to look at us.
Of course, fashion is an integral part of our society. People have always paid great attention to clothes and their appearance. Initially, clothing was used to protect our body from the environment. Over time, he began to perform other functions. The most important is the social function. People of different social classes began to wear different clothes. It became easy to notice the external difference between a nobleman and a peasant or merchant. Of course, the difference depended on the price of clothes. The rich or the aristocracy could afford quality and expensive fabrics, and the poor could only dream of such products. Very soon people began to think about the beauty of their clothes. Undoubtedly, this idea existed in the circles of the rich. Dear men and women paid a lot of money to designers who created elegant dresses, pants, coats, shoes and hats. The image of a fashionable person was emphasized by numerous accessories such as scarves and handkerchiefs. Frankly, the general idea of ​​charming and attractive clothes has not disappeared. Fashion still plays a very important role in our lives.
Let's focus on the oldest and most important function of fashion. People have always tried to be different. Not surprisingly, people of different professions wear different clothes. For example, it is easy to recognize a doctor, sailor, butcher, carpenter, judge, police officer, etc. Clothing determines our social status. When someone wears good clothes, they are treated more positively than ordinary people. It's no secret that people use good costumes and dresses to their advantage.
Fashion is a very dynamic phenomenon. Designers change the dominant colors and styles every year. Sometimes innovations and changes are so radical and unexpected that it is difficult to evaluate a new subject positively. In fact, from a psychological point of view, people who wear "sophisticated" fashionable clothes do not suffer from the opinion of third parties. They are self-sufficient and self-confident.
On the other hand, fashion has several drawbacks. The initial problem is the need for novelty. When someone buys pants or a hat, they think that these things are great until they become "unfashionable". Some people are used to the rapid pace of fashion. They know that a thing can be stylish for months. Then it becomes obsolete and strange. When you depend on fashion and its laws, you have to change your wardrobe often. Without a doubt, it takes a lot of money. In addition, people buy a lot of unnecessary things that interfere with and overload the house. The need for new clothes for no reason looks like a psychological disorder.
Another weakness of fashion is the state of compliance. Very often, designers produce very specific things, the quality and beauty of which can be easily questioned. However, when a famous person approves of this item, it becomes fashionable. People do not believe in their own feelings and eyes, but adhere to the subjective characteristics of a prominent person. Therefore, people decide to obey the opinions of others and are willing to buy expensive fashionable clothes.
Fashion is a specific phenomenon that has its strengths and weaknesses. In fact, if you want to look perfect, you need to find your own style. You don't have to be fashionable. Regular jeans and a shirt will suit you better than an elegant dress.


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