
5.5k! On what phone is that?

Samsung Galaxy Note S20 Ultra.. It's actually a older phone now! Bought it for cheap from the sister and well a mechanics life is rough xD

Going to fix it though.. I'm on something cheaper now but heck that phone took some snazzy photos!

Damn, indeed. Working in the industrial trades sees a lot of phones break and yet you have to have a phone on you.

I got the phone fixed. Got it a wrap around cased that now encloses the screen like a book... So better protection in the pocket from contacts...

I'm glad bud!

I've got a few other things to attend to before I can put almost half the pay down on a screen 🤣🤣 the car needs suspension, tyres... and brakes... its going to hit hard the coming months but we will swim through it all

The list just goes on and on and on and on.