The month of Ramadan is only 2 days away and in the whole world the Muslim people will start fasting, praying and doing other religious practices.
This is the month of spirituality and mosques are full with people being busy in praying and other religious activities.
During the month of Ramadan which can be for 29 or 30 days, people do fast where they wake up in the middle of the night and do their breakfast to get ready for the whole day to bear hunger and thirst.
The Sehri time is around one hour which you must eat or drink whatever you want and after the Azan starts you have to stop from all such activities which can void the fasting.
Also during the whole day there are different prayers and good deeds which you have to perform. And near to the Iftari time which is a time to break your fast and again start eating until the time of Sehri.
This is the whole activity during the Ramadan where our Muslim brothers perform. We must respect each others religion and also try to spread peace and love during our great events.