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RE: NY Resolutions and Creating Hive Goals .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.10 (Wednesday, December 27, 5 PM UTC)

in Ecencylast year

Pretty sure most people did better than they thought.
The devils in the detail is what we always say.

Great topic and Merry Christmas. Your HP goals for 2024 ... 150k HP


Hehehehe... I will pull the break next year as I expect some bull market... And I don't want to make the same mistake as 4 years ago... to not take some profits... :) So, I doubt that my goal will be 150K... :)

hehe yeah Hive price will eventually push higher, as fortaking profits, this is why we invest in something. I keep telling people in crypto to learn to take profits! Yes an interesting one to make numerical goals next year.

I keep telling people in crypto to learn to take profits!

It is important to take profits, for sure! My issue is that I have a different connection "with HIVE", so I doubt that I will power down, or cash out my holdings... If we go up, I will probably exchange current earnings, and sell some of my bags from liquidity pools...

But, I do have a profit-taking strategy for my other crypto investments!