I'm happy to hear that spring, and sun, are gracing you with their presence again, and I'm sure that you guys are enjoying it! What you said about your son doing so well in a supportive environment, I so understand that, because I've experienced the stark contrast between when it's present, and when it's not. I wish you indomitable success in your spring cleaning! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Ah sun ❤️ it’s still freezing in the morning, but what a difference. And about the supporting part, I find it so important, in all aspect of life. Uplifting people doesn’t take much. I never had it growing up, and I still don’t hear compliments, because those mean that I need to do something I don’t like and being bashed for it. Old patterns
It sure does make a difference, I remember! Ditto that on finding it incredibly important! I never had a lot of it growing up either. We all have our pesky patterns, but thankfully they can be changed. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Yes so true. Thank you for reading my post again, I really do appreciate it ❤️
You're always deeply welcome, Nathalie, of course! I'm grateful for that! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙