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RE: Autumn at the Lighthouse

in Ecency4 months ago

The city hopes to find a buyer or lease agreement for the Harley Clarke mansion and its coach house and greenhouse.

According to this website, the Harley Clark mansion is leased for the next 40 years (until 2061.05.10) in 2021.


Four proposals to save the mansion were considered, with the winning bid submitted by Audrey Niffenegger, the author of best-selling novel The Time Traveler's Wife, who bagged a 40-year lease. The world-famous writer planned to reinvent the mansion as the Artists Book House, comprising a library, bookshop, arts studio, and cafe.

However, in January 2023 the Artists Book House withdrew from the project due to lack of funding, following a three-year attempt to revitalise the building.

Completely understandable.

Such a property takes a lot of money to renovate and maintain.