Ecency app: the best way to onboard users to Hive

in Ecency3 months ago

A few days ago, the Patria Chica 2024 awards were presented in the town of Baire in the province of Santiago de Cuba. During this artistic literary event, in which I participated as a guest to give several conferences about Hive, I was able to incorporate several members into the community thanks to Ecency.

Let me explain, while there are several ways and different DAPPs to create free accounts on Hive, the process in these other alternatives can be tedious or complicated to obtain access to private keys. These are two aspects that Ecency solves very well through its application available on the Playstore (if I am not mistaken, it is the only interface that has a native application).

In a process that did not take more than 3 minutes for each user and in a procedure as simple as creating an account on Facebook or Instagram, we were able to insert three new members (@xsnake, @geyler13, @daddyvaldes). The greatest ease of creating the account with Ecency's mobile application is that it allows the majority of users to operate in an environment they are accustomed to. Allowing them time to acclimate, understand better, and more easily what Hive is about without having to get into technicalities or complex concepts for beginners. Let's be honest, most users are not interested, and they do not even need to understand concepts like Blockchain, Hive Power, Staking, Witnesses, Resource Delegation, etc. They just need to publish, respect the community rules, and be able to change their earnings easily, safely, and quickly. Bombarding them with complications and concepts can mean losing them before they even start. It is in this sense that Ecency with its application has become the perfect ally for introducing new users to Hive.

If they want to obtain their private keys, it is as simple as going to Settings -> Manage Authorities -> Import/Reveal Private -> Copy and Save in a safe place. This ease is super important for users to have absolute control over their accounts.
Today, at least from the community of Santiago de Cuba, the Ecency application is our best tool for onboarding new users.

All images are screenshots of the Ecency app or owned by me

Versión en Español

Hace unos días se entregaron los premios Patria Chica 2024 en el pueblo de Baire en la provincia Santiago de Cuba. Durante este evento artístico literario, en el cual participé como invitado para dar varias conferencias sobre Hive, pude incorporar a varios miembros a la comunidad gracias a Ecency.
Les explico, si bien existen varias formas y diferentes DAPPs para crear cuentas gratuitas en Hive, el proceso en estas otras alternativas puede ser tedioso o se complica el obtener acceso a las claves privadas. Estos son dos aspectos que solventa muy bien Ecency a traves de su aplicación disponible en la Playstore (si no me equivoco es la única interfaz que tiene aplicación nativa).

En un proceso que no demoró más de 3 minutos para cada usuario y en un procedimiento tan sencillo como crear una cuenta en Facebook o Instagram, pudimos insertar tres nuevos miembros (@xsnake, @geyler13, @daddyvaldes). La facilidad mayor de crear la cuenta con la aplicación para celulares de Ecency, es que le permite a la mayoría de los usuarios desempeñarse en un ambiente al que están acostumbrados. Dándoles tiempo de aclimatarse, entender mejor y más facil de que va Hive sin tener que entrar en tecnicismos o conceptos complejos para los principiantes. Seamos sinceros, a la mayoría de los usuarios no les interesa, y ni siquiera les hace falta, comprender conceptos como Blockchain, Hive Power, Staking, Testigos, Delegación de Recursos, etc. Ellos solo necesitan publicar, respetar las reglas de la comunidad y poder cambiar sus ganancias de modo sencillo, seguro y rápido. Bombardearlos con complicaciones y conceptos puede significar perderlos antes de que comiencen. Es en este sentido que Ecency con su aplicación se ha convertido en el aliado perfecto para insertar nuevos usuarios a Hive.

En caso de que deseen obtener sus claves privadas es tan simple como ir a Configuración -> Manejar autoridades -> Importar/Revelar Privada -> Copiar y Guardar en lugar seguro. Esta facilidad es súper importante para que los usuarios tengan control absoluto sobre sus cuentas.
Hoy, al menos desde la comunidad de Santiago de Cuba, la aplicación de Ecency es nuestra mejor herramienta para el onboarding de nuevos usuarios.

Todas las imágenes son capturas de la aplicación de Ecency o de mi propiedad


Thank you for posting in the Ecency community

Sending you Ecency points ♥️

Use Ecency every day to boost your growth on the platform!

Thanks 🙌

Buen trabajo @yecier nosotros en ciego de Ávila llevamos tiempo tratando de hacer algún evento o al menos alguna conferencia para incentivar a más usuarios a utilizar Ecency y así ganancias pasivas por el contenido original y que guste.

Muchas felicidades a los nuevos usuarios, éxitos y a crecer. Muy buen post bro..Saludos 😎😉👌

Sí, la clave es tener paciencia e insertar artistas y sobre todo adolescentes. En cuanto el primer adolescente se inserte bien en Hive se comienzan a unir de a 3😅. Te lo digo por experiencia.

I was there and I enjoy the way you describe that Time on the historical place.
Thanks for sharing

Thanks for your comment and welcome to Hive.

Congrats on onboarding 3 new Hivians!

Thanks you, is a slow process but I made the Community grow in my city and state.

Waves might be a good starting place for them.

I think the same!
Ecency isbthe best way to onboard new users on Hive!! 💪🏻



What’s a squirrel’s favorite kind of joke?
Acorny one.

Credit: reddit
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Completamente de acuerdo. Tengo algunos amigos que me gustaría entrasen a Hive y les he indicado a través de Ecency. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia. Verdaderamente es súper sencillo maniobrar acá. ❤️ Saludos hasta la tierra caliente, desde Pinar 🎊

Gracias a ti por comentar. La ventaja de disponer una apo movil de Ecency es mucha, las otras interfaces deberían tomar ejemplo.

Y así nos facilita la vida a todos y a los nuevos usuarios también. Gracias por este post y por atender mi comentario. Ten buen "casi" 😅 fin de semana jjj

They just need to publish, respect the community rules, and be able to change their earnings easily, safely, and quickly.

They should also actually care about the content.

Hive needs actual, real content consumers.

Nowadays there is a general lack of real content consumers.

Most Hive users focus on posting.
Most Hive posts are ignored/overlooked.

The real interaction is rare.

Even many of the so called curators do not even see the content they curate (upvote), because their upvotes are automated.

This is how most Hive users socially ruin an otherwise technically revolutionary platform.

Is true, we remark the importance of interaction when we onboard people. But let be honest even in Facebook or Instagram the most interactions are the likes not the comments.

Even the smallest Facebook groups (for example with a few hundred members) have more real interaction than entire the Hive blockchain.

And mostly it is the comments. Not the likes.

People there always care. They ask how I am, if I have help, they write useful/helpful tips, they always answer my questions, and they encourage me to post more often.

In addition to comments, some people write even private messagess too.

I don't have Facebook years ago, I am only in Hive and even with the low rate of comments I don't complain because I receive few but quality ones. In my city I organized the Community and we even have real life meetings.

Maybe the DAPPs should show the amount of visits per post or introduce alghorytms. That way the comments will increase.

All you have to do is look at my posts to see that there is plenty of engagement on Hive! I refuse to comment or vote for people who go out of their way to spread negativity about Hive and actively promote Facebook.

Indeed. People can be part of the solution or complain about the problem. Someones prefer complain. I prefer onboard new members, explain Hive to them and then respect their freedom to do what ever they want to do.