Time vs automation - The fine line and the rejection of AI generated content

in Ecency2 months ago


Time is probably the most expensive resource we have. Since the beginning of time, mankind has attempted to make things easier and shorten the time it takes to do certain things. However the line is crossed when it comes to social media content.

There is a meme floating around somewhere that went something like:
"I am cleaning and doing my laundry while my PC is doing my art design and writing. This is not what I envisioned AI would do for me. I want it to do my laundry and cleaning while I do my art."

Or however you want to phrase it.

The line has been crossed when he automate things that are meant to enjoyed or experienced as art. The line is crossed when it is text that is supposed to be words written and from the mind of a human being.

It is kind of like eating a meal and the ingredients on the menu and what you are getting are not the same. You find out that it is the wrong sort of meat or an inferior ingredient. The value of the meal that you are eating comes into question. What you are eating and what you ordered are not the same, if they replaced ingredients it was probably done to save money and thus the meal is now low quality and low value compared to the real thing.

So let's back to TIME.

Time is valuable because you cannot buy more of it. Of course, if you are living below the poverty line, doing anything in exchange for survival is worth while. Or if you live in a self-sustaining habitat, then time does not equal money.

Not being able to pay rent or buy food or do the things that make me happy, many of them requires me to have some money to spend does mean that money equals happiness.

And time equals money.
Thus time equals happiness.

I think when simplified, this is what has caused people to use AI to generate content.

  • We can grind grain by hand to make flour.
  • Then we got people and animals to do it instead of the wealthy/powerful.
  • Then we built wind/water mills to automate the process.
  • Today we use machine run on electricity to do the same job.

So that is the natural sequence of improvement to reduce the cost in time for ourselves:

  • Have a task we can do ourselves.
  • Get someone else to do it. (Employment/Outsourcing)
  • Make a tool that makes it easier to do the task (And get someone else to manage that tool)
  • Make a machine that does it and automate it.

This is fine for the industrial process and mass production. I feel that it is wrong for most creative actions. This should be read in context.

If a creative writer uses an AI generated image (And states that it is AI generated) and uses that as their image on an otherwise self-written fiction piece, this is 100% fine.

But if someone uses AI art and claims it as their own or AI generated text and claims that as their words then we go to the example of fake/inferior quality ingredients.

My time is precious and important. I use it to create this content and bring my thoughts - MY thoughts, to you the reader.

When I read something on Hive, I want to connect with a person and not an AI. There is a connection that happens and there is a value to be enjoyed by reading something written by others.

This is the part that I appreciate and enjoy.

I suppose the baseline concept is simple and old: 'Sell' something with full disclosure of what it is that you are selling and do not deceive others.

If I want gold-plated goods and they are sold to me as gold-plated, then this is correct. Sell gold-plated as 100% gold and there is a problem!

I shall continue to write my posts myself. Someone suggested that I try use ChatGPT to write my reviews for me. I will not.

Besides the errors it makes. The thoughts and analysis of the units in 40k is MY thoughts. It is my hobby. Why would I let a machine take away the fun out of my hobby posts?

Templates exist to save time, but there are components in my reviews like the jokes, introductions and the Thoughts section that are my own.

Some weapon profiles and universal rules can be copied and pasted but the rest I put in manually. For instance, the Executioner Plasma Cannon is one of a kind... so its stat values need to be entered manually.

I have TRIED to get get ChatGPT to attempt that part and its so inaccurate it does not save me time at all... besides, it helps me to see and remember the rules of the units by doing it myself!

Thus, manual is the way to go!

Thank you for reading my content! 😁


Hive South Africa




I suppose that people are coming to social media networks to meet other PEOPLE, and not to meet bots... In my opinion, it is very easy to draw the line... I come here to meet other people, to read how they are doing, to get their personalities, to help them out, or to see comfort, and advice...

If someone hides (fakes) their personality by "printing" AI content, that's an obvious abuse and gives zero value to other participants/followers/friends... I'm not saying that there is no space for AI in the world, but saying that social networks shouldn't be the place for them...

Just my 2c... Btw. great topic!

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Indeed, there IS a place for AI. When dealing with factual information and gruntwork. The Google AI assistant answering a query like "Define XYZ" and giving me a summary which I can expand and THEN go look at sources if I want to, that is useful. Most of the time the question is answered and I can proceed, otherwise I have a better understand to further define my search and inquiry.