What is the best way to earn $10,000 outside of your job over six months?
I already sell online and am looking at part time jobs. What is your best idea?
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The steps that I suggest are:
1) Determine how much time you have each day, or each week to devote to making new money.
2) Find a job that fits the available schedule. For example, if you have weekends available, look for a part-time job for the weekends.
3) Seek the job that pays the highest amount, even if it is a job you dislike. The window of time is six months, so focus on maximizing the return instead of the joy.
4) If you cannot add a second job, then look at ways to save money. This will be more difficult, because $10,000 is a lot to try to save in 6 months. Consider moving in with a friend to avoid rent, reducing your food expenses, or add a roommate to share your rent and utility costs.
5) Consider selling items that you do not need. If you have an expensive car, sell it and purchase a less expensive car.
6) Six months is a short window for investments. I do not suggest investing to try to reach $10,000 unless you are already rich and can stand to lose money. Any investments would be speculative and almost like gambling to try to return $10,000 in six months.
I wish you success and I would like to see what path you selected and the results. Update me in 6 months!