With all the negative press on cryptocurrency, what crypto will the average citizen adopt and use?
The imperative portion of this question is "use". This cryptocurrency needs to be legitimate, have a solid reputation and work well for the majority of citizens. It can't be too complicated and needs to be somewhat stable.
So what is your vote? I see Litecoin filling the role.
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Good question !
I was in this kind of position a year or two back when I began my crypto journey. The key thing is that at that point, most people (especially ordinary people rather than IT specialists) only have very limited knowledge, and most of that is snippets (often inaccurate or biased) from the mainstream press. People don't know about use cases, tokenomics or anything like that.
So I feel the answer will always be along the lines of "Bitcoin plus X". The X will depend on what takes their interest, but it'll probably be something we think of as relatively mainstream - one of the top 20 or 50 by marketcap. I'd guess either a really established memecoin like Doge or SHIB, or whatever Elon Musk decides to use on Twitter are the top possibilities, with Ethereum another good candidate.
Our job is to tell people about HIVE and get it into their minds as one of the crypto's they first think of if they go from slightly interested to actually getting involved !
I think always in three cryptos for adoption of the common people.
But then can happen anything. People use to use a lot TRX but they swipe to Matic due the recent high fee transactions for USDT TRC20.