What kind of physical activity do you integrate into your daily routine?

in Reverio2 years ago

We should all apply at least one daily training, what do you think?

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In my daily routine, I do my best to avoid taking the elevator but the stairs.

It keeps me fit while I am completing my task. Also, I tend to drink more water because of the sweat.

How about your extra physical activities?

Playing Sports (contact) has always been the activity my body wants. I think I sweat a lot more and I do not get bored if I do Sports. I hated jogging so much along with having workouts in the gym. I think playing Sports is good exercise and I plan to continue playing until I can't handle it anymore.

One of my favourite physical activities is cycling! I love incorporating cycling into my workouts. 


#swc #spanish #hive #riverio

 2 years ago  

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Hey cesar, una de mis principales sería el cardio combinado. Saludos!

About 5 years ago, I lost a high paying job and decided to grab a Grubhub bag and get paid to run deliveries all over the metro I live in. I long term wanted to run a marathon and figured I might as well get paid to train. I currently run around 50 miles total a week but can do between 75 and 100. I can also run around 13 miles without stopping to take a break. I run almost daily right now