What is your favorite blockchain to have your NFTs stored and why?

in Reverio2 years ago

What is your favorite blockchain to have your NFTs stored and why?

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I prefer Polygon as main blockchain to store and deploy my NFTs, I could say it's my favorite one, because, as being an musician, most of the public and space is in there, it has a big community based in listen, discover and collect supporting music artists overall.

Yes Polygon is an interesting option and the rates are low. Thanks for your answer.

We like the Antelope NFT ecosystem. EOS, Telos and Wax are all fast, durable, affordable to use and offer EVM compatibility through the EOS EVM and TelosEVM. The community is a bit smaller than some other chains, but they're pretty friendly and the technology is solid.


We're also very excited for the upcoming zkEVM, Modulus, and its' NFT ecosystem!

Lots to choose from. Some of these I did not know, thanks for the information.

No problem. We also see some cool things going on in the world of Chia and Algorand, they're defintely worth checking out as well!