Should USA Players be worried about the SEC

in Reverio2 years ago

So since I reside in the United States and all the focus has been on stakeable coins from the SEC. Should all the USA players be worried. The taxes they are talking about on unrealized capital gains seems crazy. I only ask this because I feel the team is probably a good six to twelve months away from the NODE network being up and running making us a true DAO and taking some of the heat off.

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It is a developing situation for sure. In hindsight, just shows the faultiness of the decision to approve the 30M SPS for an exchange listing. But I'm still hopeful we'll get some common sense regulation in due time.

Yea the whole exchange listing things might really come back to bite us in the ass. And common sense and law making do not go hand in hand sadly. So we all have to sit back and play the waiting game sadly.

FFS the FOMC! These BIS types be scared shitless of DeFi. So many will fall along the way... pain incoming.