So I am not a land owner. And now with the current cost of land and all the other expenses I do not see myself ever owning land. Now land will produce spells and they are said to be game changing. For a person like me who is stretched extremely thin possibly overextend investment wise. Should I just come to terms now that I will just be steam rolled by people who can afford spells. I am not a bronze player asking fo huge returns. I am a diamond player scratching and clawing everything I can to keep building my deck to be competitive. Now spells are just going to be one more barrier.
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It's definitely a legitimate concern.
Splinterlands has to try and make the spells/items good enough for people to invest so many cards and DEC to produce the items... so they have to have some affect on games... but not so powerful that they are an auto-win. I think they would also have to be really varied so that there is an element of strategy about which item/spell is used. I imagine in Champions League everyone will be using spells for every game.
You should be able to purchase spells/items from the in-game store... but if you're scratching and clawing for every thing, that's just another expense for you.
If spells/items are too powerful then Splinterlands will see no new players (because it'll be way too expensive to win) so it's super important to get that balance right.
It is already expensive for a new player to jump into say Gold 3. Now imagine adding in another layer with spells. I understand there need to be value for the land owners because of what they are investing. And that is what scares me because of all the costs going into running land. And the continued needed investment into land to keep it farming and producing its max amount.
Yeah, it's definitely concerning...
Hopefully new players barely encounter spells until they're pretty established and earning.
That was my initial thought. Just also worries me that 150k land is all that will exists. So if for some reason we hit a consistent player base of one million players in the next two three years. That is just such a low amount and now you have really made land investors the richest players in the game regardless of their investment. There should always be situation for players new and old to really prosper. Yes I get its crypto and early investors always profit. But I literally missed the original land sale by a month and a half.
Yeah, I always found that odd as well. Personally, I really do think they'll release Land again, or do something similar but different in a year or two depending on the growth of the user base.... because, essentially, Land will consume a lot of resources initially but I don't think that will always be the case once people are producing grain for DEC or whatever... so they'll need another sink.
Yea I can see how that would be a possibility. Especially is there is so much grain being made collectively that it starts to affect the DEC price. I have enjoyed our replies back and forth thank you for the engaging conversation.
Of course! My pleasure! It's honestly great to think about Splinterlands (and Play2Earn) from another player's perspective.
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