one for holding BTC (Xverse) is needed to sign a transaction on the BTC blockchain in order to prove you are a BTC holder. the other is wallet of satoshi, it can only hold lightning and helps with insta payouts for content, but it does not prove you have BTC and it cannot sign a transaction on the BTC blockchain to prove you are a BTC holder. so all of them are completely necessary and valid for this use case. again, if you can find me a lightning wallet that can sign transactions on the BTC blockchain, then we can just use one wallet, but as far as we are aware, there is no such thing yet.
u cant hold BTC in keychain. good luck getting a BTC social account without a BTC wallet
This I got, but there are already 2 involved, xverse and wlt of satoshi (or the v4v one), why a third?
one for holding BTC (Xverse) is needed to sign a transaction on the BTC blockchain in order to prove you are a BTC holder. the other is wallet of satoshi, it can only hold lightning and helps with insta payouts for content, but it does not prove you have BTC and it cannot sign a transaction on the BTC blockchain to prove you are a BTC holder. so all of them are completely necessary and valid for this use case. again, if you can find me a lightning wallet that can sign transactions on the BTC blockchain, then we can just use one wallet, but as far as we are aware, there is no such thing yet.
But can´t the xverse wallet do the trick? It already proves that you are a BTC holder, right?
No. it does not have lightning
But has the Wallet of Satoshi not both, normal BTC and LN?
no, also cant sign BTC transactions