" I AM A FAILURE....." A Fragment of My Own Experience

in Inner Blockslast year (edited)



Source: pixabay

Failure! a word most of us want to flee away with and be swept out of our terminology. It is probably one of the villains in everyone's life. As a matter of fact, we never prayed for it. All petitions are requested to have success kinged over a certain pursuit yet absolutely not a failure.

Every time we hear someone fail, to name a few, such as an exam mainly a licensure assessment becomes a damp, a business venture propelling towards jaw-dropping celebration becomes a downcast , a career at the summit foretold to take off high becomes a crashed, or a honeyed relationship being subscribed to is bitterly disconnected, honestly, it has an instant bane connotation. Our emotions are then shrank with blues as an echoing sigh of regrets clips us into an unaforethought remorse for a frame of time.



Source: pixabay

Yes! Failure has the fire to maimedly torch every life in its path. Leaving some into unconquerable desperation, unremediated bust to the salient point of numbingly immobilizing our potential to stand on our feet, and worst of all, spraining ourselves on the brink hour of eternal retirement. It is a general, inconsolable truth.

Looking at the people around us is an exact replica of our own selves. Though scared of being excluded, rejected and ashamed to hand shake failures, we are manifestly brawling for life to keep body and soul together. That is me! In my 39 years of existence, I am still not used to being a failure and have never become a master over it nonetheless, still fortunate for being on a batch of a surviving subject.


Source: pixabay

To tell you, friends, I am afraid to fall short. But unconsciously, here's what I have doped out from it. Through it all, I have grounded in myself to remain upstanding at present, and as I tried to rewind my journey back in the past, despite the tons of shortcomings, I realized I had fought a good fight against failure.



Source: pixabay

Failure is just a speck of a puzzle and not a whole thing to define life. It has to be there to fathom out what is most to be spotlighted in life and what has to be left on the dimlight.


Source: pixabay

Successful people are the ones who have failed but have succeeded in not giving up.
And failure can only chain us if you give it the chance. At long last, I have come to the realization that it is He who conquers them all for me. Thus, I was born an utter failure... (unta...apan giusab Niya ang dagan sa kinabuhi)...now destined to live a life successful!


That would be all for today. Thanks for reading my blog.🥰

Note: Photos are not mine they are sourced from the pixabay.com


@crownrich,You have written it correctly. Failure should not be given a chance. We can learn from the experience of failure and move towards success. Thank you. .

Thank you so much @mulik369 for giving a portion of your precious time reading this blog 😊. Happy to know you're here.😇

Yes indeed. Failure is the launchpad to success!

Great message @artgirl ... Thanks for dropping by ma'am.