The way we human beings chose one partner for the whole of our lives is very rare in all living beings. Only 5% of the total animal species are involved in monogamy, i.e, having one partner for whole their lives. All the other animals either live in groups and keep changing partners whenever they want or they keep changing a partner every season after giving birth to their offsprings, raising them till adulthood and then leaving them be to survive on their own.
Birds, on the other hand, are said to be 90% monogamous, at least on paper but that too is not completely true. They do find their way back to their previous partners whenever it's their season to mate but it doesn't mean that they don't have other sexual partners.
We, humans, are said to be more intelligent and more evolved species and so we decided to be monogamous as continuously changing partners is an animal trait. But is it natural?
Because if it was, why do most of the people feel a strong need to have intimate relations with more then one person in their lives? Why are there so many cases of infidelity? And why do we have to try to 'control' this feeling of sexual arousal for some person other than our partner? If this was natural, it should have happened on its own. If there was only one person made for each one of us, then we should feel sexual arousal for one person only and no one else.
People who cheat on their partners are considered to be shameful. Some of them feel guilty afterwards but what if none of it was wrong!! What if this was the way we were built.
Like most of the living beings on this planet, they initiate a sexual relationship only to keep their generations going. Survival is their only purpose. That is why they have kids so that their species can survive.
Humans when evolved, they evolved much higher from the need to survive. They shifted to other needs which were social needs, psychological needs, career needs, spiritual needs and so many more needs which have been mentioned in charts and diagrams by different psychologists which are taught to us in schools. Survival is not the issue anymore for human beings!! They can have kids anytime and chances of their living are much more than of the animal's kids. So what's the point of coupling anymore?
People made 'marriages' in a time when there was no protection made to save two puberty hit opposite genders from getting pregnant. Because all the pressure of taking care of kids used to fall upon the females as men had no strings attached, so the wise people of the society came up with a best possible system in which children gets love and care of both their parents, both parents find the support of each other and they both have someone to take care of each other at tough times and in old age while fulfilling their sexual needs as well.
A system was made where two people were forced to remain loyal to each other so that the system does not fall apart. It was made in a manner where if anyone chooses to cheat their partner, it used to be frowned upon and so it turned to be a non-acceptable situation in the society and a thing of shame if someone was cheating their partner.
This all was done for the sake of continuity of the system. But all this was done at a time when there was 'no protection' & no condoms. The time has changed now. We don't need just one partner now for the safety of women and her bulging tummy. In fact, now the women are independent enough to raise their babies by themselves. But yes, a need of father cannot be neglected for a better upbringing of the kids. But still, the need to have only one sexual partner for the rest of your life is not important anymore !!
If we speak according to natural ways, it's baseless now if you want ur partner to be loyal to you. Loyalty is a man-made concept made only for the fact that if not applied, it could have resulted into havoc for human females because they could be screwed by anyone anywhere with no intention of taking care of the babies.
But now, everyone can have sex and still not have kids if they choose so. Then why is infidelity a bad thing anymore?
Thank you <3
It's interesting to consider that based on studies, the safest place for a child is with both biological parents. Neglect, abuse, and worse are much more likely to happen when children do not live with their biological parents.
Of course, from an evolutionary, atheistic viewpoint, your reasoning would be valid. But we are not simply animals, we were created in the image of God, and that changes everything.
Good to see you still blogging @himshweta, and to see you on the HIVE.
That is one very valid reasoning right there. But there are always two sides of the coin. There is a saying that it takes a village to bring up a child. Homo sapiens are said to survive even when Homo Erectus, Neanderthals and others extinguished because homo sapiens used to live in groups and were able to divide and work like the way bees do. There were other reasons as well but children used to be brought up by a whole group of people.
Times have changed now I know that, but maybe parenting is not where the issue lies. The issue is that we have forgotten how to behave like humans. There are some parts more that will be uploaded soon. I will cover up everything in the whole series of articles.
And I am glad that you still remember me :D. Thank you for the comment :)
Marriage is not a bond between two people but it binds together two families. Kids as a result of marriage develop a good society. On the other hand infidelity creates a bad impact on society. It is important to follow the rules of society which we are leaving. Our country our society doesn't allow such act which doesn't allow disturbance in society. Difference of opinion is not a bad thing but it should not contradict withbour culture. We are living in a culture where your relatives are strongly bounded due to affection. We have to take this social value along us. There is no need to copy western cultures where eldery have only one place i.e fountain house. Infact we should follow the rules of society which we are living. Parent is one of the most pure relation of the world. If we can't say such things infrontbof our parents than how can we act upon this. It will only destroying the family and our morale values.
I will cover it up in the upcoming parts. The next part is uploaded. ANother one will be uploaded in a day or two. Thank you for your comment :) <3
so no marriage and more than 1 partners? correct?
Well... 3rd part me explain hoga vo.....