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RE: The Month of June is my Month of Trust

in Inner Blocks2 years ago

what if the Israelites fully trusted the Lord in the first place? What if they just gave up the driver's wheel and relaxed?

All of the disasters in the wilderness, even the 40 years, could have been avoided if they trusted the Most High and did not complain. I believe it stems all the way back to Egypt when their Savior (Moses) came to Egypt and performed signs the first time and didn't meet the Israelite's expectations, when Pharaoh didn't let them go, but actually caused their situation to get much worse. When Moses came the second time, God demonstrated his might and power through Moses, rescuing the Israelite from Egypt and saving them from the Egyptian army.

Likewise, when our Savior (Messiah) came to Jerusalem the first time, He didn't meet their expectations, actually causing their situation to get much worse concerning Rome. When the Savior comes the second time, God will demonstrate His might and power and we will see the long awaited completion of the salvation experience, rescuing Israel from Spiritual Egypt.

But the same challenge is before us now: we have to trust the Lord and relax. Not complain, recognize that He is in control and be content in all circumstances. If a savior comes and does not meet expectations, do not give up on God. Trust in Him, do not complain, relax and do what needs to be done.


Exactly! You word it so well @ironshield. I am glad I am not the only one on a journey towards trust this month.