
in Inner Blocks10 months ago

Earlier in the week I was having coffee with a girl I know from my sport classes who is in the process of recovering from cancer and major surgery. It was not the first time she was in the cancer process, so this time around makes it a whole different mentally ballgame.

With that challenge also comes the revalidation that takes several months and she told be the group there is like a slice of society with all different kinds of people.

One of the things they talked about is 'what is on your bucketlist' since this is more present topic than by the most of them in that group.

And then she asked me....'I don't think I have a bucketlist actually, should I have one? Do you have one'?

Well uhhhh, that is a good question actually that I had never thought about before. Do I have a bucketlist and what would be on that list on stuff that you need to do before you go around the big corner.

This is actually interesting because I literally have never have given it any thought before. That is what I also said to her. Well first I asked if she had the need to have a bucketlist. Because I don't think you should have one.

And I also think that this can be with a lot of different stuff like having a good bbq with friends. But when I think of the term bucketlist I think about stuff as bungeejumping and visiting some temple in Bali or something. Things where the world expects you to do those kinds of things, but if they actually make you more happy or forfilled? I am not sure honestly.

So also when she asked about my bucketlist I also said that I don't think that I have one. Because they are so often in singular events and not about the bigger picture. Besides that, I already think that I have lived a very diverse life with tons of options in there. Not that there is not more stuff to do, ow I can think about tons of things. But are those things that I feel that I have to do otherwise the story isn't complete? Nehhh, I don't think so.

My friend told me that she is not really big of the travelling type but that she also doesn't to have on her tombstone that 'she was so good in having coffee' so she was thinking about the balance in there.

I guess that happens when you are dealing with those kinds of life events. It does make it a lot more different and other factors come into play as well. It was cool to see how rational my friend is dealing with all of this on what is happening to her. It's one to be proud of!

What is your thought on bucketlists and do you have one? What is on there?


I don't exactly have one... but my want-to-travel-there list is hugeeeee, don't know if that counts! :P

 10 months ago  

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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