I used to bake and cook for my dogs in the Philippines. One of their favorites is Banana pancake- pictured here. I enjoy making food for my dogs as I feel that they are a huge part of my life. Unfortunately, not everyone in my country would have loved them as I do- mainly because of their breed. My dogs are askals or as what most people in my country call- low class, mongreal, cheap, wild, rabies ridden dogs. They are the dogs that are usually abandoned, abused, slaughtered and are considered inconsequential.
I can share a lot of personal stories on how my dogs had been discriminated. But one of the most memorable stories was the time when a family friend visited our house. I was cuddling my dog then- as we usually do after brekkie. She remarked that my dog is not a real dog because he is askal or low breed dog. She told me to consider getting a nice, fluffy shih tzu, pomeranian or chihuahua- if I want something small and cute. I answered," my love and devotion for my dog is beyond breed. Besides, its expensive to maintain those dogs. I am a practical and reasonable woman." She looked at me like I just started growing a second head.
I believe that having a low maintenance dog- which had evolved in my country( translation: they are fully adapted to the food, climate and people) is more reasonable.I strongly feel that love and loyalty does not have a race or a breed. For me, having a rabid dog- or a diseased dog is not the dog's fault. It is the owner's negligence and incompetence.
I am sure someone out there can make a better tasting pancake. But for me, whenever I make this and share it with human and dog friends, I feel that I am honoring my grandfathers- for their commitment for caring for this marginalized breed of dogs.
My dogs will die someday. But the lessons they taught me- never marginalize or discriminate anyone based on their heritage will always be with me.
Lucky dogs.
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