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RE: Leaving It All Behind

I have always struggled with not reacting, when my Ex would just turn up unannounced in my personal space unexpectedly and then go on to be little me.
Now he just doesn't even show up. Which is really unfair on my girls, but a relief for me.
I like to think after these few years if he did suddenly arrive, I would be able to stand in my power.
So much of this story, your story resonated with me. I thank you for sharing it. Its something we need to do more of, I know of many that suffer in silence, preferring to have everyone thintk they have a wonderful relationship or believing everything is their fault and feel shame that they can't make it work.
It's crazy how some people can break us down, little by little over time.

I have spend the last 5 years finding my way back to myself.
Much love to you, powerful mama ❤
