The Last Autumn

in Inner Blocks2 years ago


Hello, my beloved friends. I want to reassure you about the latest news so that you don't worry about me. I'm fine. Actually, I'm lucky so far. Because it's a lottery.

I feel like deja vu.

It's like February or March again. Shelling, long air raids. But the most important thing is the real threat of being without electricity, water, gas, heating, and the Internet. There is a real threat of losing a home, or even a life.

But this is not March. I've stayed this long, and I'm not ready to die now. Then, it was one continuous terrible and long day, the events of which were not easy to restore in memory.

Now I have learned to live my days, my life. I don't want to go back, otherwise, it was all in vain.

I got used to the air raid sirens, but I am already weaned from waking up to the sound of explosions. It is unpleasant. After that, it's not so easy to force yourself to work, to save a poker face and pretend in general that everything is normal and life goes on. Even if it seems so from aside.

In the first days, I woke up, and there were one or two seconds when I did not remember the war. For just a second or two, my world was as usual. Next, I became aware of the recent reality, and because of this, something black and painful squeezed in my chest.

I didn't like waking up. But then I got used. That's disgusting.



In the office.

Today is a very warm and sunny day. I did not want to work from home and went to the office.

Deja vu. It's windy, the sky is clear and bright blue, and invisible smell of smoke is in the air. This means that somewhere nearby, someone is fighting a fire, someone is waiting with a frozen heart for an answer on the phone, and someone remained alive but lost everything he had. Bloody war.

Today, I'm not alone here. There is one new face - a pregnant young woman at the reception. It reminded me of the couple who died yesterday in their home after shelling by a drone, the young woman was expecting a baby...

I spent much time on the phone calling the clinic to make an appointment with a doctor, but I was never able to. And then I remembered that the district was shelled today in the morning, and they have no electricity and water. Too bad. I don't know what to do and don't want to do to another doctor. Let's see tomorrow.

After middle, I met 2 colleagues that I didn't see for ages! One of them returned from Germany, just for a week or so, and then he goes back.

The other one told me a horrible story - our workmate, a guy from his team lives in that beautiful old apartment building that was half-destroyed yesterday in Kyiv downtown! OMG! He and his wife were at home at the moment, and their flat is located at the back of the building, courtyard view. It miraculously survived! They definitely had a second birthday yesterday... Oh my God...

We discussed the situation. If it gets worse, we should find a place with electricity and Internet to continue working. And to be safe as well. That's so sad, after many months of living at home, to find a place to move, a real plan B. In the worst case, it will be outside of Ukraine. Hello refugee!


The good news is that these cowardly shellings is a response of a losing country to its looses on the battlefield. This means that the Ukrainian army has success, it is slowly advancing and taking back our territories.

We were warned by our CEO that the better things are for the military, the worse things will be for the civilians, and we have to be prepared for that.

Remember how you tried to calm me in February? You said this nightmare would end soon. And I told myself the same. I don't know when this war will end but the good news is that in fact, this is the last autumn of Putin. I don't believe he will make it to next fall.

I quickly got used again to keeping my phone and power bank charged to maximum, having a supply of drinking and technical water, candles, batteries, flashlights and warm things at home. Do not turn on appliances during peak hours and save literally everything.

Ukrainians are very stubborn. We are brave, intelligent and freedom-loving. Maybe too kind, trusting and tolerant. And also masters of survival. Only thanks to this we were able to survive and preserve our identity during many occupations.


I'm thinking about these Iran drones. Iran pretends not to be involved in the war, but there is evidence and intelligence that they are not only supplying weapons, but also training instructors.

Actually, this practice of terrorist attacks with the aim of causing a humanitarian crisis is dangerous. It can become contagious for other terrorist states if it does not receive a decent rebuff.

Even now, a drone may accidentally fly over all Ukraine and fall somewhere in the EU/NATO.

Or an explosion can damage the Ukrainian gas transportation system. In addition to the mysterious simultaneous damages on the North Stream. Terrorists go all the way as long as we let them.


We do want to end the war. What it means?

Let's be honest, there are only two options for Ukraine - either Ukraine will win, or Ukraine will cease to exist.

I believe this fall will be the last. For Putin. Not for Ukraine.


My words of gratitude for your care and help, and emotional support. For sharing my joys and sorrows. For not being tired and standing with Ukraine, and supporting Ukrainian community on Hive.

You are the best. It's like a second family.
I am lucky to be here, and honored.

Thank you 😘


Oh my heart is bleeding upon reading your post. I can only imagine the worst scenario it's even worst in actual. I do hope this war will end too soon. May the most high keep you safe, sending love and healing vibe.Be strong! Stay strong! 💪🌺❤️
Thanks for the update.

Thank you for your good words, @franzpaulie ❤️

Oh dear! I was thinking about how did you feel in Poland and Amsterdam, where you were safe and I'm not referring to HF.

I hope you can still stay safe and that things won't get so bad. Hugs!!! ❤️

I was thinking about how did you feel in Poland and Amsterdam, where you were safe and I'm not referring to HF.

It has been only a month since then! Feels like ages ago...
It was unusual, but awareness doesn't come so fast. I think one would get used to a new place much faster having nothing left behind, and leaving at own will. And since almost everyone left his family, home, and job, the connection remains. It's like living two lives.

In fact, it's heartbreaking when people become refugees. Except if your life in your country was too bad.

You are so strong, so resilient. You are a ray of sunshine in Urkraine's darkness. 💜

You are so strong, so resilient.

Oh, dear... My posts make you think so )) Sometimes it has more sense to be strong for others, not for yourself.

Stay strong, putin is on the run, but that is worrying, never back the russian bear into a corner and poke him with a stick. The only way I can see this ending without further damage to your beautiful country and the world in general is putin needs to be taken out by any means possible.

I agree that Putin should be taken out, this is the best solution for all. But I don't agree with the analogy with the bear. The actions of animals make much more sense than the actions of a terrorist. He is more like an animal with rabies. It attacks first, and not because it feels threatened, but because it's sick.

I know that Kyiv is again the target of the Russian army and I worry about you every day. Every post you publish is a relief to me ...knowing that you're okay, that you're alive.
It's crazy to wonder this way about your friends. May all this end soon.

I feel you. I start my day with Instagram to see when the last stories were published by those who still live in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia. They are bombed every day and every night.
And then I check the news from the front line hoping that our AF advanced at least a little. Day by day, meter by meter we are closer to the end.

I'm glad you're still okay and am so sorry that you and your people have had to endure all of this senseless violence. I hope this is the last fall for Putin. American media is reporting that he's losing the support of his own citizens, they estimate only about 20% of Russians now support the war, but I'm not sure how much of that is true. He's risking the well-being of the entire world for this war, it's time for everyone to stand up against it.

American media is reporting that he's losing the support of his own citizens, they estimate only about 20% of Russians now support the war, but I'm not sure how much of that is true.

Me too. Out intelligence reported yesterday that the support of the people is still high, like 80%, and I am also not sure this is true. The thing is no one can be sure people are honest and aren't afraid to say the truth.

That 20% seemed low to me but I was hoping it was correct. You will all continue to be in our thoughts. The world is praying that this soon comes to a peaceful end.

So many people have the same wish and pray for same thing, that soon it must come true. 💙

"Let's be honest, there are only two options for Ukraine - either Ukraine will win, or Ukraine will cease to exist."

We continue to pray for the victory of your people over unbelievable tyranny.

"I believe this fall will be the last. For Putin. Not for Ukraine."

The voice of prophesy @zirochka. Preferably much sooner, than later.

The role of the Iranians, in responding to the call from Putin. "Let's be honest ..." Their leaders (in Iran) are absolutely evil. As is Putin. They are from the same place ...

In Iran, we receive reports of their citizens own fight for freedom from tyranny. Of a different kind. Or is it? May they also ultimately succeed.

May God continue to bless and keep you and your loved ones safe!

I pray every day that it is the last day of Putin, and I do not feel bad for praying about this. I am glad for your update. Many Prayers for you and your Country.

Sad to hear the complicated situations of you Ukrainians!
Hopefully this is the last autumn for Putin!

Thank you! I think that even if the war continues until then, his own government will get rid of him.

Power makes seek people...

In the first days, I woke up, and there were one or two seconds when I did not remember the war. For just a second or two, my world was as usual. Next, I became aware of the recent reality, and because of this, something black and painful squeezed in my chest.

I didn't like waking up. But then I got used. That's disgusting.


This is horrific and barbaric. That human beings are being forced to suffer this torment. To wake up and wish you didn't have to because you know how much pain is coming for the day. And the effort and strength it requires to just get through another day.

I know that feeling well :(

Your share was hard to read. But this is why your sharing is so important! Too often these things remove the human conditions completely. They become a war of perspectives and opinions. And the powers that be use this exact thing to divert people's attention from the TRUTH.

Which is that this is about power, greed and money.

And the people who suffer most are innocent civilians and children.

A brutal and sad post.

Written with honesty and courage. I applaud you. Stay strong and, most importantly... stay YOU.

Don't let them take that from you ❤️

Sorry... I just want to add that your last post has sat with me for days.

That this is almost a year now.

But I also think this:

The rest of the world, and specifically the EU, are full of shit. Saying that they don't endorse what Russia is doing but still doing f*ckall to stop it.

In fact - they're making a profit off this war by providing military arms so they are benefiting from it as well!


I send you only love.

One day you will wake up and breathe in a new morning. But... let's face it... even after this war is over that may take YEARS for the people on the ground who had to endure the brunt of it.

If ever.

This is years of multi-generational trauma in the making, being allowed to happen in front of the whole world, again, by the powers that be that may have stopped this ages ago.

I understand and agree. The war is started by those who see it from afar, on paper or on the screen. And their goal is always not what is declared. Who cares about civilians? Russian troops raze to the ground and burn everything in their path. They are not going to save something or restore or live here. They need territory, resources. Because it is money and power.

But. They say that the soldier is just following orders. If you read about the torture and humiliation that takes place literally everywhere under occupation, and look at those photos, it becomes clear that many people enjoy the war. Enjoy not killing, no, but the process of bringing to death through pain and maximum suffering. What they do doesn't even cause hatred because it's paralyzing. This is something much worse than something that causes hatred.
And they are not all mercenaries. There's just too much scum in the world...

Regarding the traumas. Before, even six months ago, I would have said that I'm fine, and so are my friends, and it didn't affect us. But now I know that's not the case. A lot of things we can only understand by going through it.

Unfortunately, the history of the Ukrainian people is a continuous trauma.

We'll be alright, in the end. Thank you so much for your meaningful comments. If I don't reply, just know, that it's because I have too much to say, and these words are sometimes like ... kidney stones )) It hurts when they come out.

Hugs and !LUV

My beautiful sister...

You never need to apologize to me for needing to take time and be you.

I get it in full!

And I don't take things personally anymore at all :) I'm too old and I understand too well how we all need to do this at times. Myself included.

But know this. You are safe with me and I've got your back.

If you ever hear something from me that makes you pause, it's because I strongly believe in what you're doing. You have a powerful voice. And it needs to be heard!

And I'm here to support you in making that happen as much as possible with what experience I have to share.

And also... sometimes I'm wrong and am always open to learning so...

Just be yourself.

Because you're amazing. ❤️🔥

I really appreciate the update that you are safe. I'm sure other people do as well. Take care. ❤️

Thank you, Ellen 🧡

I'm so glad you took some time to let us know you are ok. I think of you from time to time and wonder. I can't imagine your life right now.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 128 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

I am Glad Your Still Safe!

My Prayers are with You All -
"Daily" 🙏🏼💙🇺🇦💛🙏🏼

Yeah, I'm still here.
Thank you!

Additional anti-air assets are currently being loaded onto transport Jets around the world for delivery and protection of the Ukrainian people.

However really it is something that should have been done a while ago as well as a complete united nations no fly zone.

However on the battlefield there is nothing that Russia can do now that it has expended itself and is about ready to start suffering economic collapse on top of the military collapse and what looks to be a huge treaty on the level of the treaty of Versailles.

The destruction that has been brought to your country is going to beggar and destroy the Russian federation as well as cause it's collapse.

Gazprom is showing every indication that it's about ready to collapse inside of Russia.

I wish you many blessings in this last moments of this conflict. There is no way long term with Russian common people resisting mobilization as well as trying to flee the country as fast as they can.

The entire world how strong Ukraine is and how much you have worked to help others.

Thank you for being such an amazing person.

Thanks for your words of optimism and support ) And apologies for the late reply, I almost miss your comment.

Finger crossed, hopefully, good news will come before the situation worsens.
Cheers and !BEER

I am hoping for the blessing of peace to come to your country for the next 100 years.

BEERHey @ganjafarmer, here is a little bit of from @zirochka for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

@tipu curate 💙💛 🇺🇦 💛💙

Осінь в Україні надзвичайно гарна!!! А була б ще гарнішою, якби не кляті рашисти!!!

Багато хто х тих, що змущені були втекти від війни, сумують за красою нашої осені.
Але цей пост про те, що я думаю, що ця осінь буде останньою для Путіна. А Україна вистоїть

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 2 years ago  

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Now this write-up is very touching. I like the fact that you're very brave. ✨

Thank you for taking time to read it

Always a pleasure.

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Thank you dear 🌹❤️

I think of you often. My thoughts and prayers include you daily. xo

Hi my dear friend! What's up with you? I've been waiting to get news from you but I see your last post was this 10 days ago. Please give us a sign to know you're ok.

Hi dear Erikah. I am fine, don't worry 😘

Віртуальні обійми! Я вже зачерствіла, в понеділок почула, як працюю ППО, і накрилась далі ковдрою спати. Абсолютно прийняла долю, немає сил кудись бігти і ховатися. Стала ніби беземоційною.

Дуже красива інсталяція — Крим і глиняний посуд та вироби киримли. Мабуть, в ресторані "Мусафір"?

Дякую ❤️
У мене хвилями. Але після таких масових обстрілів, коли потім читаєш, скільки біди вони наробили, настрій геть пропадає, і нічого не хочеться...

Останнє фото то не Мусафір, то маленька кафешка, забула назву, також в Києві, кримські татари її відкрили кілька років тому. Вона зовсім маленька, і їди там невеликий вибір, але я там дуже по-домашньому почуваюся. Та і підтримати хочеться

Якщо згадаєте назву кафешки (або адресу), буду вдячна, люблю такі місця❤️

Згадала! Cheburek! Вийти на м. Театральна, і от від рогу де музей Історії Києва, йти по Пушкінській вверх. Буде прохід у двір, а то далі в наступній будівлі, але вхід з-під арки, справа. Заникано трохи ) Чебуреки і айран там ням-ням 😋

Дякую, точно піду😌