feliz y bendecido día tengan todos ustedes mis queridos padres y Amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, sean bienvenidos a mi blog, es un honor volver a compartir con todos ustedes después de un par de semanas de ausencia, dónde se me pasó una fecha tan importante como el aniversario de la comunidad, pero como nunca es tarde quiero felicitarles y desearles muchos años más. En esta oportunidad quiero compartir con todos ustedes lo que es una etapa tan importante como lo es el cambio de los dientes de leche de nuestros pequeños niños pero como sé que cada niño es diferente y tiene su ritmo quiero hacer esta publicación desde mi experiencia con mi pequeño príncipe.
Quiero decirles que como toda madre he sentido y siento un poco de miedo solo al pensar cómo se comportará y cuáles serán los cambios que sufrirá mi pequeño en cada etapa de su vida. Desde el día que cumplió sus 6 años había estado muy pendiente posee que a esta fecha los niños comienzan a cambiar sus pequeños dientes de leche y como Mi pequeño es no verbal sabía que debía estar muy pendiente y notar en él alguna manera que tratase de expresarme si tenía algún dientecito flojo.Happy and blessed day to all of you my dear parents and friends of this beautiful community, welcome to my blog, it is an honor to share with all of you again after a couple of weeks of absence, where I missed a date as important as the community's anniversary, but since it is never too late I want to congratulate you and wish you many more years.
On this occasion I want to share with all of you what is such an important stage as the change of baby teeth in our little children, but since I know that each child is different and has their own rhythm, I want to make this publication from my experience with my little prince
Los primeros en cambiar fueron los incisivos superiores pude notarlo pues me fijaba de muecas que hacía con su boca y su lengua así que me fijé muy bien y pude observar que movía sus dientes con su lengua en ese momento comencé a preocuparme pues me imaginaba lo difícil que sería el sacarle sus pequeños dientes pues sé que los niños tienden a ponerse muy nerviosos al momento de extraerles los dientes. En casa acostumbramos a pedirles a los mismos niños aflojar suficientemente sus dientes y cuando notamos que está muy flojitos mi mamá se encarga de extraerlo sin necesidad de ir al dentista pues así los realizó con todos nosotros sus hijos y ahora con sus nietos.I want to tell you that like every mother I have felt and still feel a little fear just thinking about how he will behave and what changes my little one will undergo at each stage of his life.
Since the day he turned 6 years old, I had been very aware that on this date children begin to change their little baby teeth and since my little one is non-verbal, I knew that I should be very attentive and notice in him some way that he tried to express himself. if he had any loose teeth.
The first to change were the upper incisors. I could notice it because I noticed the grimaces he made with his mouth and tongue, so I looked very closely and I could see that he moved his teeth with his tongue. At that moment, I began to worry because I imagined how difficult it would be. What would it be to extract his little teeth because I know that children tend to get very nervous when having their teeth extracted.
At home we usually ask the same children to loosen their teeth sufficiently and when we notice that they are very loose, my mother takes care of extracting it without having to go to the dentist because that is how she did it with all of us, her children and now with her grandchildren.
Él actualmente tiene 9 años y también empezó a cambiar el año pasado los caninos este sí fue algo un poco sorprendente pues en su momento me descuidé a pesar de que no te que tenía uno de sus caninos flojos pues los miraba jugar y aflojar su diente pero un día mientras estaba jugando lo noté que sacó algo de su boca y votó sin embargo no le presté tanta atención. Horas más tarde me fijé que le faltaba su pequeño diente es decir él mismo extrajo su diente y lo botó.I asked my little one to let me touch his teeth and he opened his mouth but when I touched his tooth he got upset and took my hand away from his mouth so I decided to ask my mom if she could check if it was loose enough, the truth is I was super nervous and didn't even want to look.
She told the child to touch his tooth and he calmly opened his mouth and my mother removed it without any problem. To my surprise, the child, as if nothing had happened, believed himself and played, and this is what happened with a couple more teeth during the next few years. years, when she noticed that he had a loose tooth, my mother was in charge of extracting it and he, like a real little man, did not cry or complain at any time.
He is currently 9 years old and last year he also started to change his canines. This was something a little surprising because at the time I got careless even though I didn't know that he had one of his canines loose because I watched them play and loosen his tooth but One day while he was playing I noticed him take something out of his mouth and vote, however I didn't pay that much attention.
Hours later I noticed that his small tooth was missing, meaning he extracted his tooth himself and threw it away.
Una persona me dijo un día que los niños con esta condición no sienten dolor sin embargo sé que esto no es cierto pues ellos pueden sentir miedo y dolor como cualquier persona. Mis queridos y apreciados amigos ha sido todo un placer para mí compartir un poco de esta linda experiencia con mi pequeño Ángel espero poder compartir con ustedes en una nueva oportunidad me despido por el día de hoy deseándoles un excelente día.So far he has not changed any teeth but I can tell you that changing his first teeth has been a stage in which the child has behaved in a very calm and special way, which has brought me great peace of mind.
This is a stage that not only for our children with this condition but for all children is usually something traumatic because this can cause them a lot of fear as well as there are children whose teeth cannot be removed easily but rather they need to be attended by a children's dentist.
Todas las Fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi Celular Redmi 9A person told me one day that children with this condition do not feel pain, however I know that this is not true because they can feel fear and pain like anyone else.
My dear and appreciated friends, it has been a pleasure for me to share a little of this beautiful experience with my little Angel. I hope to be able to share with you on a new opportunity. I say goodbye for today, wishing you an excellent day.
All Photos are my authorship and were taken with my Redmi 9 Cellphone
¡Bienvenidas las Delegaciones / Welcome Delegations
Trail de Curación / Curation Trail
Nos alegra tenerte de vuelta con tan buen contenido.Saludos @emmaris. Gracias por compartir la experiencia en la etapa del cambio de dientes de leches en tu hijo, especialmente por ser autista no verbal, lo que obliga a estar muy atentos a todas las señales y nos has orientado muy bien sobre ello.
Siempre eres bienvenida 💙
Encantada de compartir con ustedes. Siempre que pueda aquí estaré para aprender y compartir.
Gracias por deleitarnos con tan magnífica publicación, la cual fue valorada por @Womentribe una comunidad para destacar el valioso potencial del ser humano.
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