ln this video I have uploaded another very rare 2000 interview of John Hutchison on the Elaine Smitha Show titled: Skunk Works - A Peek at our Future... Star Trek Style. John Hutchison discusses his involvement with the 1980s Star Wars program and how the US and Canadian governments classified the Hutchison Effect experiments he did for them. When John went to Germany in hopes of immigrating there, the Canadian government illegally confiscated all 22 tons of his lab equipment but left the metal samples and documents. Video clips from Dr. Thomas McDonough, Col. John Alexander, and Boyd Bushman are also presented. John also discusses the 1943 Philadelphia experiment and the similarities with his experimental setup. Finally, a rare levitation experiment is shown of a ball jumping in a bucket of water.
This interview is likely the only instance of it being published online anywhere on the internet!
#HutchisonEffect #antigravity #philadelphiaexperiment
Links to videos used and more info
- Videos are in the folder: 2000s Hutchison / 2000
- 2000 elaine skunkworks.mov
- 2000 elaine skunk star trek.mov
- Archive of ElaineSmitha.com: https://web.archive.org/web/20041130015044/http://www.elainesmitha.com/
- Archive of EvolvingIdeas.com: https://web.archive.org/web/20000914073806/http://www.evolvingideas.com/Science.html
- John Hutchison Official YouTube @HutchisonEffect https://www.youtube.com/@HutchisonEffect
Full Timestamps
- Intro: 0:00
- Disclaimer and musical intro: Skunk Works - A Peek at our Future... Star Trek Style: 0:20
- Interview start. John Hutchison is showing off his muscles: 0:52
- John is a big fan of Star Trek, and discusses his adventures through US and Canadian Customs. Demonstrated the crystal converter to customs: 1:52
- John was involved with the Star Wars program in the 1980s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Defense_Initiative
- SDI classified his work after 4 months.
- His friend from McDonnel Douglas aerospace didn't classify his test run: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas
- Canadian government did a semi-classification.
- Canadian government confiscated John's lab while he was in Europe (Germany) looking to move all his equipment there: 6:52
- 22 tons of mostly Tesla machinery were illegally taken, costing tax payers $20,000.
- John wasn't allowed to use the Tesla equipment, so he sold everything off, and was going to immigrate to Germany but ended up visiting Japan.
- Japanese interests motivated John to retrieve his documents and samples. Canadian government only took the machinery: 8:45
- John performed 5 major levitation tests in Ottawa for Canadian and US governments: 10:13
- John worked with Pharos Technology, formed by George Hathaway and Alexis Pezarro: https://hiroko.or.jp/wp-content/file/gravity-control/Space%20resonance/HutchisonEffect.pdf
- Deputy prime minister of Canada Erik Nielsen was there and filmed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Nielsen
- Part of the classified documents state that senators lobbied for Pharos Technology and the Hutchison Effect.
- TLC TV clip: Astrophysicist Dr. Thomas McDonough examines the Hutchison Effect: https://sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/mcdonough_thomas_r 15:26
- Col. John Alexander discusses his work with John Hutchison and Los Alamos National Laboratory: 18:23
- Alexander visited and filmed John's Vancouver lab in 1983.
- TLC TV clip of Boyd Bushman and Nick Cook on Anti-Gravity: 22:34
- Boyd recounts his leaning tower of Pisa experiment with opposing magnets falling faster than gravity. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-02334-7 and https://web.archive.org/web/20181106202736/https://quantumantigravity.wordpress.com/boyd-bushman/
- Boyd replicated John's levitation experiments.
- John shows his 1998 extruded aluminum bar ripped apart: 24:58
- Canadian coins imprinted into the aluminum as it turned to jelly. One copper coin merged into it.
- Wood is attracted to aluminum in his tests.
- Pure atomic elements are found as deposits in his samples.
- John uses high frequency broad band and up to 24 cm narrow band waves within an electrostatic field.
- John discusses steel samples that had transmutation at the end of it, turning soft into another material: 30:12
- One steel sample formed a silicon, iron, copper combination, which was impossible as a conventional alloy.
- George Liscazis of Pinnacle Oil filmed a 1,500 pound transformer levitating: https://hutchisoneffect.com/ 31:40
- Mill Ball levitation experiment was done 3 walls away from the lab: 34:00
- John ranges from extremely low to high frequency 24 cm wavelength.
- 21 to 24 cm wavelength frequencies have lots of psychic experiences.
- Vallée René-Louis or Rene Louis Vallee of France wrote a paper saying the Hutchison Effect opens up another dimension: https://www.drjudywood.com/articles/JJ/JJ2.html and https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/the-hutchison-effect-file/23247904 and https://x.com/i/grok/share/sC3x0qZwfgUe9czvBtm4fd4M6
- US government accepted Louis' paper in 1983.
- US government never returned the video footage, but have slipped him a few slides or bits of information.
- In 1982, John tried to tighten up his frequencies to replicate the Philadelphia Experiment via the work of "Dr. Guy Balinski"(?) from New York.
- Some of John's experiments were semi-transparent, as said by "Dr. Eli Quine"(?) head of DSTI, director of Scientific Technical Intelligence of Canada.
- CSIC: Canadian Security Intelligence Service holds John's classified videos as a "matter of national security"... https://www.canada.ca/en/security-intelligence-service.html
- Bodies were stuck within the USS Eldridge walls, similar to the Hutchison Effect: 41:39
- Elaine interviewed Alfred Bielek whom claimed to be on the warship during the experiment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Experiment
- John says 1940s technology dealt with heavy duty equipment with high voltages, great for many experiments including levitators.
- Practical application of the Hutchison Effect is the elimination of nuclear waste: 44:09
- John references the work of his friend Ken Shoulders on charge clusters: https://www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/issue61/chargeclusters.html
- "Baser project", high powered boson beams from UCLA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boson
- John proposing dumping nuclear waste into the Sun via anti-gravity propulsion, like what they're working on in Area 51 because the Sun is all nuclear energy. The risk is a malfunction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51
- NBC was hesitant to have a woman commander, and pointed ear people.
- The first interracial kiss on Television was on Star Trek between Captain Kirk and Lt. Uhura: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_and_Uhura%27s_kiss
- John was on Deep Space Nine set as a guest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine
- John's business partner Grant Romundt went to visit Will Shatner and the Star Trek cast. Grant taught Will how to fly his paramotor: https://oceanbuilders.com/meet-the-team/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramotor
- Rare Hutchison Effect of a happy face ball in container of water levitating, jumping, and vibrating: 55:28
- Musical outro: 56:23
Experiment Screenshots