
I just saw your article after posting myself a small essay on koinos, feel free to check it.

For me koinos is a hidden gem. It has huge potential. It reminds me of TRB which did a crazy bull run once it got listed on binance (I got it before that at 8$ to then sell at 65$, yes I'm bragging.)

But I wanted to comment your method to get the "fair value" of the coins you like. Don't you think it's a bit of a stretch? What make you adopt this, IMO, over simplified model?

But I wanted to comment your method to get the "fair value" of the coins you like. Don't you think it's a bit of a stretch? What make you adopt this, IMO, over simplified model?

My fair value is taken from no more exhaustive analysis than that of posing the question, "why not?". It's more of a thought provocation than anything else. You know, if something is as good, or even better, why shouldn't it have a relative equal value? One thing's for sure, there's a huge spread that needs to close somehow, and I think the path of least resistance for undervalued quality Ats is straight up. Will be posting on something very closely related tomorrow.

yep, the basics sound pretty good. And even a 100$ investment could pay out big one day. It's a no brainer for me, good post :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No doubt about it!

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

This is precisely the kind of token I'd be swapping into from ETH, but the high gas fees just stop me.

Have they sorted out the mining thing yet?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's not too bad actually. Fees are about 30-60 cents currently. So if you are willing to spend a dollar or two you can get some KOIN for almost a cent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, my experience is that you start seeing a 1% fee rate when buying in lots of around $350.00. Not surprisingly, that's the size of the majority of the trades you see on the ticker too.

That sounds low, I guess it's luck of the draw.

There must be some kind of app that alerts you to when the network isn't so busy?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think there are a lot of websites out there (e.g. etherscan) that shows you the current fees

I've so much more to learn about crypto!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just did it by trial and error. If fees were high I would pass, but that rarely happened. Remember though, here I'm only referring to the actual fees and not the "commissions" (the spread) you pay to Uniswap.

I was able to pick it up for around 1% fees without substantially moving the price. If you go for larger quantities, your purchase spread goes up almost in direct relationship to your fee cost going down since it's illiquid and you're having a greater impact on price, so it's really a catch-22. It's not like trading on Bittrex, with their .25% fees, but, if you work it, you can get the job done with only 2.5%-3% cost slippage. And if you're going at it with a fairly longer term plan, that's acceptable, in my opinion, for something speculative like this. Thirty bucks for every thousand invested isn't that bad.

You can regularly have 3$ gas fees on uniswap. Which is reasonable considering the potential of koinos.
Tho I sometimes had to pay 20$. But even then it worth it (IMO)

I hate these Gas fees, but this seems worth to try! Thanks for sharing this!@cryptographic,
