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RE: US COVID19 Update 🤠 - What does it means for Stock and Crypto Markets ? 😣

in HODL5 years ago

Hello there @hash-tag !

Thank you for such a nice comment and big tip ! I truly appreciate it.

We should find another alternative and some countries showed how to deal with the virus without ruining your economy. Unfortunately coutrnies I am talking about (Japan, South-Korea, Germany, Switzerland) have a very strong sense of citizenship and a habit to follow rules.

It does not seem to work out with south of Europe, or my country France. And I am not even talking about US or UK who see the mask as a loss of freedom.

I believe your country handled it well if it was a rich and old country. Unfortunately I believe that as a country if your population is quite young, you should not stop the economy or you will end up with more deaths in the medium term (unemployment, drugs....).

And in the end... emerging economies who did a lock down end up with the COVID19 wave right now, so we destroy the economy and will still have the health crisis.

These are my thoughts, maybe pessimistic but I can see in Europe, if you apply strict simple rules; I am still able to have drinks outside with friends on a summer day :D. Not too bad right?

Cheers !


It can't be more unfortunate than this:

And I am not even talking about US or UK who see the mask as a loss of freedom.

Such a witty remark and it sounds so rubbish that I really get uncomfortable thinking about this, but it is a common consensus among moron. I am in the state of great pity to realize the shallowness of their freedom.

It was my pleasure to visit your profile. I am looking forward to read more content.

Keep sharing✊️

Indeed... such an easy way to continue living almost normally and limit covid19 risks on health and the economy.

Thanks 🙏 !

I hope to see you around soon 😉